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The Easy Way to Document and Code

Endovascular procedures are complex to code.  Each procedure component has its own CPT code, which may, or may not, then be bundled with other components, depending on the vessel and the intent of the procedure.​  A case could entail as many as 20-30 CPT codes.   


In order to bill correctly, each billable component has to be correctly documented in the operative note. It is common for physicians to forget about parts of the procedure or not adequately describe what they did when they dictate their notes, typically many days after the procedure.  This, in turn, holds up the coding process and leads to long turnaround times for claims to be sent out, and often with incomplete or inaccurate codes.


VascuNote, VMA's proprietary software, solves that problem.  Its intuitive, patented, interface allows physicians to document their procedures in real-time, and automatically generates the appropriate CPT-codes for billing.  It helps to ensure that every procedure component is documented and that every CPT code is supported by the documentation.  Web-based and easy to use, it is accessible from anywhere.  No software installation is required and the CPT codes are automatically updated every year.   VascuNote is licensed on a subscription basis.


Contact us to give you a demonstration.


© 2021 Vascular Management Associates

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